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WARNING: outdated information

Small samples where (X)MedCon could help in deployment:
Contributed by Charles Brown

Please note that following code is subject to copyright and permission notices:

    Copyright (c) 2002 Charles Brown

    "Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and
    its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
    provided that the above copyright notices and this permission notice
    appear in all copies of the software and related documentation."

1. Simple DICOM Pusher

The following link includes a small csh script which:

  • converts ECAT PET files to DICOM
  • sends the converted files to a DICOM server (AGFA PACS)

The DICOM push command "send_image" seems to be part of the useful CTN software toolkit. The script is provided "as is", so it will require some tweaks for your local situation.

2. Web Enabled Converter

The following contribution we find particularly interesting. It shows how one can built a simple web application with the combined use of several open-source tools such as the Apache webserver, the PHP language and Image Magick conversion toolkit. Again, the following PHP scripts are provided "as is", so they too will need changes for your local situation.

Here is a PDF file with webpage screenshots.