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  • MS Windows:
    Read our short step by step FAQ with the use of MSYS2.
  • X Window System:
    For our GUI on X Window System, see this FAQ item.
  • DICOM:
    A low level DICOM library is included and was originally written by Tony Voet.
  • NIfTI:
    Support for NIfTI .nii files is included. If you want to link to a higher version, you 'll need the external library libniftiio.a from The configure options to enable the external NIfTI support are:

./configure --enable-nifti --with-nifti-prefix=/dir/where/you/build/nifticlib

  • ECAT 7 writing:
    Support for writing .v ECAT7 files is included. We used stripped down source files from the libraries libtpcimgio.a and libtpcmisc.a at the Turku PET Centre group. You can still compile with an external library version using the following options:

./configure --enable-tpc --with-tpc-prefix=/dir/with/include_and_lib_subdirs

Make sure that the prefix dir contains two subdirs include and lib each filled with the associated headers and libraries respectively.