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Personal NixOS development environment with our 'hundliv' color theme.
- description -
an open source toolkit for medical image conversion
- licensing -
- keywords -
medical, image, format, conversion, acr-nema, analyze, dicom, ecat, gif, interfile, nifti, png
- publication -
Nolf E, "XMedCon: An open-source medical image conversion toolkit";
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging; Vol. 30 (suppl. 2); 2003; pp S246; TP39.
Abstract: {pdf} - Poster: {pdf}
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging; Vol. 30 (suppl. 2); 2003; pp S246; TP39.
Abstract: {pdf} - Poster: {pdf}
- author -
Erik Nolf
(*) non-GPL compliant:
GIF (C) 1991 - Alchemy Mindworks, Inc. & ECAT6 (C) 1989 - 1993 CTI PET Systems, Inc.
(see README for more info)