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[File|Open] or [File|Save] or [File|Save As]


For opening (= reading) a file, you must select the header in case the format has separate files for header and image. The program will try to detect the format. If the format was not found, then DICOM will be used (in order to read files without MetaHeader signature) unless you specified another read fallback format (see Options|MedCon). As a last resort you can always try the [Open Raw] utility ...

For saving (= writing) a file or the extracted images, you have a choice between the supported formats. Saving to RAW binary (resp. ASCII) simply writes the image arrays in one file without any header and with the original pixeltype in hostendian format (resp. ASCII).

File selection dialog (Save)

The file selection dialog box looks similar for opening or saving files. When saving there will be three extra buttons: <Format>, Alias Name and Default Name.



Entry field for giving file name before saving.


Current directory with selectable parent directories.

+ Create Folder

Button to create a new directory.


Selection field with a list of important subdirs.


Selection field with a list of files. A right-mouse-click gives more options like rename, trash, ...


Popup menu to select the resulting format. The proper extension is automatically added to the filename. (Note: in SAVE fileselection only)

Alias Name

Button to set filename based on patient and study ID's. (Note: in SAVE fileselection only)

Default Name

Button to recall the default name MedCon has created for you. (Note: in SAVE fileselection only)


Entry to specify the filename.

Open | Save | Load

Button to accept the selection. A previously opened file will be closed!


Button to cancel selection.

<< Info Edit | MenuWindow | Save As >>