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This is the most important menu in XMedCon, because it tells the program how to handle the reading or writing of image files.
Selectable tabs are : Pixels, Files, Slices, Formats, Mosaic:

<<Matrix | MenuWindow | Render>>


Siemens - Mosaic

Initial support for this DICOM dialect has been contributed by R.M. Rutschmann, solving issues like:

  • unpacking of mosaic stamps
  • handling interlaced mode
  • fixing voxel sizes

Sadly, mosaic seems a typical vendor format cluttered with incompatible dialects. As a result one can not find its parameters on standard places throughout the different forms. Therefore we included the contribution by Max Zaitsev which requires user input for refining the proper settings. After all, it is the user who knows best. As mentioned in the window, don't forget to look at the DICOM options found in the [Formats] tab, as DICOM is mosaic's basic packaging.

enable mosaic support or [-mosaic] (r)

Toggle button to enable support for mosaic.
The stamps will be splitted into separate image slices according to values found in the file. This option will autodetect a particular mosaic (MAGNETOM) dialect and apply its default features such as:
  • voxel size fixing
  • interlaced unpacking
  • width, height stamps layout.

force specified stamps layout or [-fmosaic=<W>x<H>x<N>] (r)

Toggle button to force predefined settings. It allows the user to read unsupported dialects of mosaic files that couldn't be detected automatically. Another five extra entries follow:
  • width: X-size in pixels of one stamp slice
  • height: Y-size in pixels of one stamp slice
  • number: total number of slices to be found in mosaic
  • interlaced: are slices packed interlaced

fix voxel sizes or [-mfixv] (r)

Apply mosaic factor to rescale real world voxel sizes