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This is the most important menu in XMedCon, because it tells the program how to handle the reading or writing of image files.
Selectable tabs are : Pixels, Files, Slices, Formats, Mosaic:

<<Matrix | MenuWindow | Render>>



without quantification (default) (r/w)

Radiobutton to disable any quantitation which gives raw pixel values as stored.

quantified or [-qs] (r/w)

Radiobutton to set quantification with one scaling factor
This option applies the linear pixel transformation with rescale_slope and rescale_intercept as found in the file. The resulting pixel types will normally be in floats.

quantified & calibrated or [-qc] (r/w)

Radiobutton to set quantification & calibration; using at most two scaling factors
Similar to quantified, but it even allows a second scaling factor (slope) for linear transformation of the pixel values. After transformation, the pixels should be in manufacturer independent values, representing a real world unit (like concentration values, hounsfield units and alike).


positives only (default) (r/w)

Radiobutton to disregard negative pixel values (= zero).
Quantified float values can be preserved when saving to an integer type, whenever the output file format supports at least one global rescale factor.

positives and negatives or [-n] (r/w)

Radiobutton to preserve/allow negative pixel values.
Quantified float values can be preserved when saving to an integer type, whenever the output file format is the same or supports the slope/intercept rescaling (DICOM).


writing default pixels (default) (w)

Radiobutton to select default pixeltype writing.

writing Uint8 pixels or [-b8] (w)

Radiobutton to force Uint8 pixeltype writing.

writing Int16 pixels or [-b16] (w)

Radiobutton to force Int16 pixeltype writing.
12 bits used or [-b16.12] (w)
Toggle button to use only 12 bits as unsigned.


over images in frame or [-nf] (r/w)

Radiobutton to set normalization over a maximum pixelvalue found in all images belonging to the same frame group.

over all images (default) (r/w)

Radiobutton to set normalization over a maximum pixelvalue found in all images of the entire file.
This option is important in case the requested format needs a remap of the values to a new pixeltype. It can also influence the display of images, because all images are normalized to Uint8 values!!